Elderly Singaporean lives out his last days alone in the two months he has left to live
An elderly Singaporean is living out his last days alone, after doctors told him he…
Social media has field day after ‘creepy’ Clinton is caught ogling singer at Aretha Franklin’s funeral
American social media users had a field day after America's former President, Bill Clinton, was…
Open letter to Seah Kian Peng over post that “incited fear and distrust between citizens” trends online
A concerned citizen has penned an open letter to ruling party politician Seah Kian Peng,…
Nike faces huge backlash in America as customers burn shoes and clothing to protest Colin Kaepernick ad campaign
This week, Nike launched a new ad campaign that celebrates the brand’s 30th anniversary. To…
Today’s top tech news, September 5: Theranos is officially closing down for alleged fraud, and the first maritime accelerator PortXL opens its door for Singapore startups
Also, insurer FWD now has an app for travel insurance, and Zendesk has officially expanded…
Two adjoining prime 4-storey conservation shophouses for sale via public tender
CBRE today announced the launch of sale of a pair of two adjoining prime 4-storey…
Private-hire drivers looking to jump ship, agree that things are bad in the industry
Two days ago, a video highlighting the many challenges that private-hire drivers face today, including the…
LGBT gets mixed signals in new Malaysia with lesbians caning
Dr Mujahid Rawa, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in July said Malaysians should not…
Singaporeans feel that every time PM Lee aims to alleviate cost of living, he elevates it
Since yet another announcement of costs in Singapore going up – this time bus and…
This robot could put an end to the practice of manual manhole cleaning in India
Bandicoot is quipped with a pneumatic system which can clean the filth and other liquid…