Singapore's sluggish exports, and slowing down growth posses a challenge for the country but as…
‘Cash machine’ Apple creates poor societies
In October last year, the same day as Apple Inc. was set to announce its financial…
This is the beginning of the rise and rise of SDP
By: Ravi Philemon As Howard Lee pointed out in his commentary 'Take heart SDP; and…
Singaporeans surprised to find 'dark' Lee Kuan Yew in China
Facebook user David Yip shared that his friend visited Lee Kuan Yew's Ancestral House in Meizhou, China…
Police detain and handcuff a 20-year-old with autism
Facebook user Kah Ying Choo has recounted in her Facebook about how the police arrested…
Opposition party calls for GRC system to be dismantled
National Solidarity Party (NSP) has released a statement saying that the Bukit Batok by-election result…
Dr Chee's peformance in Bt Batok shows opposition support intact
By: 永久浪客/Forever Vagabond Last year's GE2015 was a seen as the beginning of a downhill path…
"Everyone looks good in SDP colours"
By Howard Lee So said a campaigner from the Singapore Democratic Party. So this kaypoh…
Take heart SDP, and take heed PAP
By Howard Lee It was perhaps a great deal of hope that Dr Chee Soon…
Tragedy strikes family twice within 6 months – Mother of teenager who died from severe diarrhoea ends life
Mother of 15-year-old who died after a suffering from bout of severe diarrhoea since returning from…