In a series of tweets on Wednesday, March 21, Donald Trump said that “getting along with Russia” is “a good thing, not a bad thing,” since Russia can “help solve problems with North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, ISIS, Iran and even the coming Arms Race.”

He then compared himself in a favorable light with former President Bush, whom Mr. Trump said “didn’t have the ‘smarts,’ as well as former Presidents Obama and Clinton, “who didn’t have the chemistry or energy.”

The US President ended his tweet with “PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!”

The context of the tweets was the US President’s phone call to congratulate Vladimir Putin, who won the Russian presidential elections last Sunday.  This phone call was widely criticized by many, since Mr. Trump has been open in his admiration of the Russian strongman, who has curtailed human rights in his country, and made no mention whether he discussed with Mr. Putin Russia’s interference in the US elections of 2016.

In his tweets Mr. Trump mentioned that in the past President Obama had also called Mr. Putin, and said that the “Fake News Media” were “crazed” for wanting him “to excoriate” Mr. Putin.

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The ending of the tweets “PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!” was a muscle-flexing of sorts for the US leader, who has boasted about his country’s military might many times before.