Are China made lifts the reason for recent accidents involving lift malfunctions?
A letter writer to TODAY newspaper saying that he is very concerned about the recent…
Education Minister asks primary school kids, "What would you do for Singapore now?"
Acting Minister for Education (Schools) Ng Chee Meng had a video-taped chit-chat session with some…
LETTER: Increase hospital efficiency but not at expense of patients – don't forget SGH's Hep C outbreak
The following is a letter by one of our readers, Yeo SL. -- Minister of State…
WSQ instructor failed participant because he refused to participate in discriminatory class exercise
Facebook user Gary CMQ shared a picture of a WSQ course material and shared that…
Another lift malfunction in same town council where 77-year-old man died causes scare
The Straits Times today reported another incident of a malfunctioning lift. This time, the incident…
MDA admits playing moral police – international productions told to tone down
Facebook user Alvin Ng reported to the Media Development Authority on 1 June about a scene which…
MDA misjudged foreign talent agency – $27.5 million lost to deceitful Aussie CEO
Media Development Authority (MDA) trumpeted in its 2005/2006 Annual Report that the year 2005 was…
The sinking of NOL and its lessons for Singapore
By: Dr Chee Soon Juan “NOL did not adapt fast enough, says CEO”. This was…
PM Lee going on leave for 9 days
By: 永久浪客/Forever Vagabond The PMO issued a statement today (11 Jun) stating that PM Lee would…