Grab Delivery Rider Laments Low Tips During Rainy Shift – A Glimpse into the Hard Life of Food Couriers

A grab delivery rider took to social media to lament that at a time when he had worked hard in the pouring rain for many hours, it ended with only one $2 tip and no incentives.

On the (Singapore) All grab driver/grab food rider united Facebook page, Mr. Gary Liew wrote last Thursday (Nov 17), “Yesterday, Raining from 4 pm to 12 am all the way, No incentives from cb Grab, then shirt, helmet, and pants all wet like a dog. The whole day only this malay young girl from HDB at circuit road, gave me $2 tips, love her But, All stayed CONDO and LANDED in Joo Chiat, and Geylang told me ‘Thank You’ ‘SAFE RIDES under the rain’ ‘Must be tough for your ride under rain’. Disgusting”.

He did acknowledge, however, that the other people he delivered food to thanked him and wished him a safe ride as it was raining, but this did not appear to make him happy. The grab delivery rider posted a photo of the lone tip he received that day.

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Given these tough economic times when every cent counts, Mr Liew’s attitude is understandable.

However, some netizens commenting on his post called him out, appearing to find him ungracious and reminding him that it had been his choice to work as a grab delivery rider after all.

Others told him that he was not entitled to a tip.

Some netizens mentioned that people who live in more humble residences tend to be more generous with tips than those who live on private property.

However, there are a few commenters who were more sympathetic and tried to cheer him up.


“Shout ‘ding dong’ very loudly” upon arrival — Note from customer to Grab delivery rider

Read also:
Grab delivery man shares the “worst condo” to deliver to – Singapore News 

Grab delivery rider upset at being cut off by car, scolds wrong vehicle driver – Singapore News