Dear Editor,

I refer to the article, Raeesah Khan started the mess, not Pritam Singh, Sylvia Lim or Faisal Manap by Mr Tan Bah Bah

While I agree in general that Raeesah Khan should not drag others down the s**thole she dug, I disagree with your characterisation of her claim in parliament as not mischievously but stupidly done.

She has a history of making inflammatory statements impacting race and religion but got away with mere apologies.

On the contrary, when she claimed in parliament about the woman making a police report, she deliberately added defamatory statements against the policeman or policemen taking the report.

The objective was to paint the police in a bad light. And she persisted in maintaining the lie until 1 Nov 2021.

This, to me, was the action of a woman with a hidden agenda and be seen as that.

Thank you,
Patrick Tan

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