SINGAPORE: Good news for Singapore mums—a solid 64 per cent of Singaporeans are saying that Mother’s Day (which is just around the corner just in case you, yes, YOU, needed a timely reminder) is an occasion that calls for celebration.

Interestingly, more Singaporeans believe in Mother’s Day as a legitimate occasion to celebrate than those who say the same for Father’s Day (61 per cent), New Year’s Eve (59 per cent), dating anniversaries (28 per cent), Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day (24 per cent).

For Singaporeans, only two occasions top Mother’s Day as proper occasions to celebrate: birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

Perhaps not unsurprisingly, it’s younger Singaporeans who say they’re more likely than older ones to consider Mother’s Day a legitimate event. More than 7 out of 10 (71 per cent) of Gen Z Singaporeans—those born between 1997 to 2009— expressed this sentiment, versus three in five (60 per cent) of Millennials (born 1991 to 1996).

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Among older adults, 62 per cent of Gen X (born 1965 to 1980) and 68 per cent of Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) said Mother’s Day ought to be celebrated. Among the oldest cohort, the Silent Generation (born 1918 to 1945), only 27 per cent said Mother’s Day should be celebrated as a proper occasion.

Only a small number, 15 per cent, said that they believe Mother’s Day is a day that wouldn’t even celebrate if there weren’t any pressure from family and friends. And an even smaller number, 5 per cent, said they see the occasion as more of a celebration due to pressure from brands.

This year, 55 per cent of Singaporeans say then plan on celebrating Mother’s Day. And even among those who say they believe that it is celebrated due to social pressure, 41 per cent still say they plan on marking the occasion, versus 36 per cent who have no plans on doing so.

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In case you were looking for more crowdsourced wisdom on the topic, almost half (48 per cent) of Singaporeans said that giving gifts is the most ideal way to celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12. (You’re welcome!)

Again, more Gen Z Singaporeans (65 per cent) has this response than any of the older respondents in YouGov’s poll.

The second most popular way (46 per cent) to celebrate Mother’s Day is arranging an outing or vacation, followed by preparing a home cooked meal (40 per cent), and then taking over all household chores from them for a day (35 per cent).

Contrary to conventional wisdom, flowers (28 per cent), cards (26 per cent), and pampering with a spa or wellness activity (21 per cent) no longer cut it as the best Mother’s Day gifts. /TISG

Read also: Osim apologises for “insensitive” Mother’s Day campaign accused of size-shaming women