SINGAPORE: A woman drew much flak after a netizen uploaded a picture of her getting too comfortable in her seat at Tampines Hub.

The photo did not reveal her identity but clearly showed how she had her legs and bare feet crossed and propped up on a table. Her slippers were also on the floor.

“Super comfortable,” was the sarcastic comment left by the netizen who uploaded an attention-grabbing photo of an individual in a public space with her legs and bare feet resting on a table. According to the writer, the incident took place at Tampines Hub.

Many took to the post’s comments section to express disgust over such behaviour. “Imagine resting your head on the table after this woman left,” said one.

Another suggested that this wasn’t the first time someone exhibiting such behaviour had been spotted around the same area. “Why does Tampines have so many of such characters?

Anyone who has been to the McDonald’s beside the Tampines CPF building at night knows there are lots of homeless elders camping through the night.

Read also: “She scolded me” — Woman says she got told off for asking a bus passenger not to put “her socks cladded feet on seats, handles, and armrests”

See also  Mixed reactions to MRT commuter who exposed bare feet in train

According to PHS Hygiene, wearing slippers exposes your feet to all sorts of bacteria, dirt, and waste (both human and animal). Vomit, saliva, chemicals, food waste, germs, viruses, bacteria, you name it.

And, with the average person taking about 10,000 steps a day, one can imagine how much walking around in slippers just for a day can expose one’s feet.

On its website, the Singapore Public Hygiene Council, formed in 2011, aims to “rally sustained collective actions from all stakeholders to instil personal responsibility and civic-mindedness and raise the standards of hygiene and cleanliness in Singapore.”

The council was formed “to promote good hygiene practices and to improve personal and public hygiene standards in Singapore.” Singaporeans can send any feedback regarding cleanliness or hygiene through the OneService App.

Read also: “Lacking morals” — Bus passenger calls out another passenger for resting her feet against the bus window