SINGAPORE: An online user visiting their Singaporean boyfriend for Chinese New Year has turned to an online forum to ask Singaporeans for advice so as not to do anything embarrassing. Many gave the writer useful words of advice.

“Hi! I’m not from Singapore and I wanna know if there are things I should know, prepare, or do when celebrating CNY with my boyfriend’s family,” the online user shared with a public forum on Thursday (Feb 1). “Also, I’m not Chinese so I know almost nothing about this occasion. I’ve been reading stuff online but I feel I might miss something, so I am asking everyone for tips and tricks to make sure I do not do anything embarrassing.”

When it comes to relationships, meeting the family of your significant other is quite a milestone. Especially when the family is Chinese, you are set to meet them on Chinese New Year.

With the Lunar New Year being one of the most festive and extravagant celebrations in Chinese culture, many different practices and customs come with it. Given this, online users were kind enough to leave the writer with some tips that would come in handy.

While a handful encouraged the writer to bring mandarin oranges as a gift, another common piece of advice in the comments section was for the online user to talk to their boyfriend about his family, as each family has its own set of preferences.

Read related: Man asks how to avoid “judgmental & critical” CNY family gatherings

Chinese New Year tips and tricks

“Ask your boyfriend, wrote one. “Every family has its own traditions or things to note, beyond the basics like avoiding wearing all black.

If they’re into gambling then bring some spare cash. Sometimes just sit there and chill while snacking on CNY goodies. If the relatives offer you some food, can just accept and eat while making small talk.”

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“No need to prep anything special,” said another. “If your boyfriend asked you to, just join him if he is going on a tour visiting family members.

However, keep in mind that Chinese elders are super interested in prospective partners so they’ll be very keen to get to know about you and your future plans with him.

I don’t know where you are from but maybe for Western people some, of these questions can be considered overreaching or too personal. You might want to discuss with him how to approach it.”

A third wrote, “One tip not mentioned but will increase your likeability with his family is to eat. You will be presented with a lot of CNY snacks and food (if you are joining them for lunch or dinner).

As long as it’s not against your beliefs or religion or dietary restrictions (allergies), it is good to eat what is served to you.

“If you have any dietary restrictions, you can ask beforehand and if you can’t eat it, politely explain why you can’t it.

CNY snacks are yummy but are also high in calories. So in recent years, young adults tend not to eat much of those. But older adults love to serve it as it is a tradition and it signifies the abundance of the host.

So their guests eating the snacks will make them happy.”

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