SINGAPORE: A man offended a lot of local women on social media after saying, “Sinkie men should date western-raised girls because they are less materialistic than Sinkie girls.”

“[They] wouldn’t care if you’re wealthy or not as long as you have a stable job, [this] is good enough. Just take care of your physique and have a stable enough job, and you can get any Western girl you want. None of the ‘if your family background is not the same as mine’ BS,” the man wrote on r/SingaporeRaw on Saturday (Feb 24).

Local women were quick to call out the man for his views, stating that ‘being materialistic’ has nothing to do with race and that he shouldn’t go on social media degrading Singaporean women.

One of them said, “Imagine hating local girls so much that you would make such blanket statements. Here’s a tip: if you dislike “sinkie girls” so much then stop obsessing over them? Gosh so many losers here.”

Another pointed out, “Him saying local girls are materialistic has nothing to do with SG women with white guys. The girls with local men can also be materialistic, but the main point is he doesn’t have proof to say local girls are generally materialistic.”

One individual also fired back at the man and said, “Hahaha. This got to be a joke! What makes you think that those western raised girlies will be interested in you guys who don’t know how to take care of yourself?

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Don’t know how to cook, do laundry, basically all the basic adulting stuff. They grew up with dads who knew how to fix the lamp in the house when the bulb fused, carpentry work, plumbing, tough stuff. Wake up please!”

Amidst the sea of criticism, however, one Redditor defended the man. He said that his post had nothing to do with ‘hating local girls,’ adding:

“The thing is that a LOT of Singaporean women are interested in white guys and foreigners. Just because someone makes a general statement doesn’t mean it’s not true, unless it offends you for some reason that you’re unable to use logic and reply with emotion. 

Most local girls are materialistic even with SG guys, it’s just that Ang Moh guys generally earn more than SG guys to afford their lifestyle.”

In similar news, a Singaporean bachelor who seemed to yearn for a life companion also turned to social media to ask if he had “better chances of dating Vietnamese or Filipina girls in the country.”

“My expectations are not high at all. I am not rich myself but earn enough to sustain comfortably. I’m considering to date foreign girls that came to SG to work (from countries like Vietnam/Filipino/Myanmar). Will I have a better chance with them,” the man wrote on an online forum in January.

Read more: Will a local guy have better chances dating Vietnamese/Filipina girls in SG?

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