SINGAPORE: “This is getting ridiculous! I ordered this for lunch, and they dare to charge me this amount!” A diner took an interesting approach to showcasing a food stall serving affordable food, using reverse psychology to disguise his review.

“I want to complain! This is getting ridiculous!” wrote netizen Gavin Cheung, who shared a photo of his meal on Friday (Jan 10). “What is wrong with inflation in Singapore? Don’t they need to pay utilities/rent/salary and earn a profit?

I’m not going back to them anymore until they fix their pricing! It makes me feel like I’m taking advantage of them!” he added.

“This stall is damaging Singapore’s reputation as the most expensive country in the world! They must be stopped. The authorities must shut them down if they don’t start charging higher. Remember to avoid this stall at Ghim Moh Hawker Centre…

… unless you want to pay for affordable food prices, please be my guest!” he exclaimed. Also included in the post was a screengrab of his payment for the meal, which cost him S$3.50.

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Some people in the comments section did not understand Mr Cheung’s sarcasm. “Three meat items for only $3.50 is actually (really) worth it.”

“You got a bad deal, complain. You got a good deal, complain,” said another. “People take your money, complain. People give you money complain. No money, complain. Too much money, complain. People greet you on the street, complain. People don’t greet you, complain.

Train malfunctions, complain. Train on time, complain. No train, complain.”

However, others caught Mr Cheung’s drift and called out people who criticised him. “Haaaiiss, so many people don’t get what Gavin is trying to explain,” said one. “The amount of people in the comment section who can’t read proper English is quite concerning,” wrote another.

A third commended Mr Cheung for his wit and said, “This Marketing strategy works!”

Read also: We walked away from cai fan food stall without paying even after ordering since the hawker charged us $11.60 instead of $7.40