Rebecca Lim, a 36-year-old Singaporean actress, shared about her insecurities in Jean Danker’s mental wellness podcast, “R U Okay?”.

Their conversation covered a variety of topics – how she deals with feeling down and how her parents support her acting career after landing a role that was not in the lines of a third party, a mistress, or a prostitute in her early days in the industry. 

Rebecca admitted that she really wants to convey the message to everyone that under all the glitz and glamour that people see on her Instagram account, she is just an ordinary woman just like anyone else. 

“I think people always think that I’m very confident, and you know, that I;m very in control of whatever’s going on. But almost every day, I deal with tiny insecurities,” she added. 

She exclaimed that with social media, she is constantly reminded of what she has and doesn’t have. Rebecca, as part of the media industry, expressed that she feels she is in the most “superficial” industry – surrounded by the most beautiful and talented people, which somehow triggers her insecurities. 

See also  Rebecca Lim mourns the passing of her father

Rebecca added that she is not the “sweet young thing” anymore, and she justified that this is not a bad thing at all. Fortunately, she is more confident and mature now. 

“I really like myself more in my 30s compared to a clueless, no confidence me in my 20s,” she added.

How does she handle her insecurities? 

“Firstly, I face them and acknowledge these insecurities. Then I’ll ask myself why. And I’ll also remind myself that it’s the years of experience and growth and lessons learnt along the way that make me, me,Rebecca explained. 

The actress added that she reminds herself to take deep breaths, and acknowledge the negative emotion to know how to deal with them, instead of keeping them inside. 

Rebecca Lim is still working on herself to be the best version she can be.