A Ukrainian woman is making waves on social media with her strikingly “unnatural” appearance, sparking a viral sensation. While some users are jesting about her unconventional features becoming the latest beauty trend, others suggest a niche group of men finds her look appealing.
However, the discussion has ignited debate over beauty standards and preferences among women, with contrasting opinions surfacing online.
The Daily Mail states, Ukrainian model Anastasiia Pokreshch, dubbed to have the ‘world’s biggest cheeks’ from multiple plastic surgeries, is set for yet another operation. The 33-year-old from Kyiv has undergone numerous procedures since age 26, aiming to achieve her extreme look.
Despite receiving praise from fans, concerns about her health are mounting as she plans surgeries with minimal intervals. Her recent breast enhancement surgery, documented on Instagram, garnered mixed reactions, with many urging her to cease further alterations.
Beauty ideal for women in 2024 is to follow the footsteps of Anastasiia Pokreshch?
She is hideous. Her little, five minutes of fame will rapidly die down leaving her a sad and unhappy mess.
She’ll have her face restored & she’ll be left with paper skin on her face and wrinkles that will look worse than bulldog jowls.
Anything for attention. Sad and depraved.
— Ken W. (@tampa_npa) April 1, 2024
Unfortunately for her, the users on X are less than kind towards her. They claim that her less than five minutes of fame will be up soon after. Furthermore, they are calling her disfigured and “hideous.” A user adds that she will eventually remove her fillers and her skin may permanently be damaged by the fillers.
She was beautiful before the surgery. She needed mental health services not a plastic surgeon.
Hard to imagine what she will look like in 20 years.
— DesertGirod
(@desertgirod) April 2, 2024
In addition to this, users found her pre-surgery. They say that she was actually beautiful, and that she did not need any of these surgeries to be somebody. Her original look seems to be the look that X users are preferring in contrast to her new look.
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