Mum from Greece stranded with toddler at Changi Airport complains about the service & COVID travel experience

Singapore — Travelling with a toddler is challenging, but travelling with a toddler during a pandemic, you double the challenge!

Throw in flight delays due to poor weather conditions at this time of year, and you may find yourself in a world of hurt, as one mum found out.

Read more here. 

Dee Kosh to plead guilty to multiple sexual offences, including attempts to exploit teenage boy

Singapore — YouTuber Dee Kosh, who faced accusations of sexual harassment from several young males in 2020, appeared to have his case heard in a district court on Tuesday (Jan 25).

The 33-year-old Dee Kosh (Born Darryl Ian Koshy) is accused of three counts of offering cash to boys below 18 for sexual services. He was first charged in August 2021 with a total of seven charges.

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Ex-WP chief Low Thia Khiang joins Jamus Lim on Sengkang walk

Singapore —  Workers’ Party legend Low Thia Khang was seen accompanying Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim (Sengkang GRC) during a recent estate walk. 

Prof Lim wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday (Jan 25) that for this year’s Lunar New Year all-estate walk, he had the “honor of being joined by” Mr Low, whom he called “the pioneer of the practice”.

Read more here. 

Netizen asks DBS to have locals man call centres, bank’s response to “rest arouse our officers are well-trained regardless” proves her point

Singapore — In a case of public relations gone slightly awry, DBS Bank got itself into a spot with a netizen on Monday (Jan 25).

The netizen who goes by the name of Suling Tan commented on one of DBS’  Facebook posts: “Please make sure your call centres are manned by locals…”

Read more here. 

Data scientist proves IMDA’s protection scheme against SMS phishing is still vulnerable to hackers

Singapore — The recent OCBC phishing scam that saw at least $8.5 million stolen from the accounts of 470 customers has prompted calls for tighter security measures to prevent such scams from recurring.

In response, the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) is encouraging more firms to sign up with a pilot programme that is supposed to provide more protection against would-be scammers. 

Read more here.