SINGAPORE: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has emphasized Singapore’s steadfast stance against the transfer of arms to Myanmar and the prohibition of dual-use items with potential military application, in response to media queries regarding a recent report released by United Nations Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews, on the human rights situation in Myanmar.

The report stated that in addition to China and Russia, Indian state-owned enterprises and companies based in Singapore, India and Thailand may have provided a limited amount of weapons and other materials to Myanmar.

An MFA spokesperson has since clarified, “UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews noted in his report that the Singapore Government prohibits the transfer of arms to Myanmar.

“Singapore also does not authorise the transfer of dual-use items which have been assessed to have potential military application to Myanmar where there is a serious risk that they may be used to inflict violence against unarmed civilians.”

In a statement released on Friday (19 May), the MFA also highlighted Mr Andrews’ point that “there are no indications the Government of Singapore has approved, or is involved in, the shipment of arms and associated materials to the Myanmar military,”  in his report.

The MFA said that Singapore has consistently taken a principled position on this issue and has actively worked to prevent the flow of arms into Myanmar, as emphasized in United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution A/RES/75/287 titled “The Situation in Myanmar.”

The MFA spokesperson also expressed appreciation for the Special Rapporteur’s efforts in providing information that can assist Singapore’s investigations into any potential offenses under Singapore law. Singapore remains resolute in taking action against individuals or entities found to contravene the country’s laws.

Simultaneously, the Singapore Government remains committed to providing humanitarian assistance to support the people of Myanmar. Singapore will continue to collaborate closely with fellow ASEAN Member States and the United Nations to facilitate peace and national reconciliation in Myanmar.