Talk about turning bad luck around. A pensioner from Perak used the numbers he got from his nightmare about being robbed, entering them in a lotto. He ended up winning S$6.84 million (RM22.8m) “Toto 4D Jackpot 1” earlier this month.
“What a dramatic turn of events,” the Toto 4D Jackpot winner is quoted as saying. “I had a bad dream about me getting robbed and it was a nightmare. I decided to bet on the numbers related to the dream – 1592 and 4412 for three consecutive draws.
Instead of losing something (in my dream), I was bountifully rewarded.”
Although he found out that he had won on Oct 9, the 68-year-old retiree waited for his children to return to Malaysia before collecting his winnings at STM Lottery Sdn Bhd’s head office in Kuala Lumpur, so they could share his joy, The Sun Daily reported on Oct 25.
And while waiting for his children, who work overseas, to come home, he added that he and his wife had nights when they could not sleep.
He wanted to give his children a share of his winnings, in the hope of making good use of the money.
The pensioner, who had purchased one standard ticket, won RM22,832,968.10 (S$6.84 million) from the total RM24,974,321.89 (S$7.47 million) Jackpot 1, with the rest of the money shared by 5 i-System winners, The Sun Daily added.
The lottery’s next draw date is on Wednesday, Nov 2, its website says.
Commenters quickly congratulated the retiree on his good fortune.
One advised the Toto 4D Jackpot winner to exchange his winnings quickly before the ringgit devalues further.
Single mother of 3 wins S$20,000 lottery prize from S’pore telco Circles.Life