The following is a Facebook post by Suresh Nair.


Along the corridors of the football headquarters at Jalan Besar Stadium, the strangest things are happening these days.

The rather unbelievable photo was widely circulated, over the weekend, from coaches to players and the football fraternity, of an alleged foreign FAS goalkeeper coach, purportedly doing a semi-nude pose, with only a sexy towel around his waist.

I wonder what kind of role-model portraits these overseas coaches are trying to show the younger generation as they parade, rather unsportingly, if not disgracefully, along the public roads along Tyrwhitt Road.

Such poor streaker-like behaviour cannot be condoned, pants-dropping is never ever a Singapore culture, and I hope the FAS convey the strictest message to their highly-paid overseas staff that hanky-panky, off the field, and indeed, even in the field of play, will not be tolerated.

Please, let’s teach these “ang mohs” some public decorum, although they may think the road is only a stone’s throw from the infamous red-light area.

More importantly, please let us have some sense and sensibility in showing the right footballs at Jalan Besar Stadium – the home of the future generation of young “bola” players.

Over to you, FAS. Is this a yellow card or red card, in footballing parlance?

But I reckon there’ll only be muted silence from the big-wigs as embarrassment continues to be the name of the game, in what appears to be a “laughing stock” football headquarters.