Netizens share experience of hiring a confinement nanny

SINGAPORE: A Singaporean parent asked in Reddit if others have tried to hire a confinement nanny and to share their experience if they have.

u/Outside-Ad9447 stated in r/askSingapore his own encounter: “I got mine thru word of mouth from a colleague. He said the nanny he used was not bad, but I guess I was sloppy and didn’t ask how not bad she was.”

The user then added that his experience did not end in a ‘positive way.’

“She is quite whiny, and will have comments on how things in my place are inadequate (it’s truly not; it’s quite well stocked) etc. and share about how she hated some of her previous clients. She’s also the kind that talks non-stop, which is tough for a new mother (ie my wife),” he said.

Other parents shared their experiences in the comments section. There were both good and bad experiences with confinement nannies.

One user said: “Did not hire because hubby don’t like strangers, unscientific practices, and old people who think they are better than you.”

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Another user mentioned: “The first confinement was pretty bad until my easy-going MIL complained about her. The second was really great, her food is tasty, she’s really clean and quiet.”

One more user remarked: “It was great. Ours was very easygoing and adapted quickly to us. Even food, she will take note what my wife don’t like and find alternatives. We extended ours for another month partly because she was good and also because I was traveling a lot and my wife had no one else to help her. We really got lucky because she was a last min replacement because our baby came earlier.”

Read also:

Employer asks how to prevent confinement nanny from bulling the maid – Singapore News

Confinement nanny investigated for alleged abuse of month-old baby – Singapore News

Coroner: Cause of death of 3-week-old infant who died in nanny’s arms undetermined | The Independent Singapore News