A 67-year-old part-time taxi driver was shocked to hear explosive, firecracker-like sounds erupting from his bedroom last Saturday. According to the Chinese daily, the sounds were so loud that he though that an earthquake had hit his home.
The homeowner, Mr Teo, later discovered that the sounds were caused by the floor tiles in his bedroom that somehow dislodged from the floor and cracked into several pieces. It is unclear what caused the tiles to break in this sudden manner.
Mr Teo was having lunch in the living room of his home, located in the 13th-floor of Block 141 Serangoon North Avenue 2. His grandchild was in the bedroom when the sounds erupted, leading Mr Teo to rush to check what was going on. He claims to have seen the tiles dislodging with his own two eyes.
Adding that he hasn’t done any renovations to the place since he moved there with his family in 1989, Mr Teo said:
“I estimate that I’ll need to spend S$5000 on repairs. But I’m only a part-time taxi driver and I don’t earn much while my wife is a housewife. We’re worried that we won’t be able to afford the repairs. At this point of time, no choice we’ll have to cover the cracks with a carpet and hope no more tiles start ‘exploding.'”