A 31-year-old man from southeast Northumberland, England, said he “froze” by what he saw when checking on his daughter Ella’s baby monitor one night. The dad, Stephen Armstrong, noticed a ‘creepy white light’ hovering above his daughter’s cot. Armstrong said it is not the first time he has noticed something suspicious in the baby’s bedroom, after previously finding a doll he had never seen before.
“I don’t usually believe in spirits or stuff like that, but this … was creepy,” Armstrong said, and added that this was not the first spooky encounter his family have experienced. Armstrong claims that a a doll mysteriously appeared in 13-month-old daughter’s cot a few days before he spotted the glowing light in the baby monitor while his daughter slept.
“I kind of brushed that doll one off, and said there had to be something else – some other explanation,” he said.
He added: “But when I saw the baby monitor, I went white and I even had to pluck up the courage to go in the room. When I did, it had vanished. We thought at first it must have just been a bit of dust. But the movement – how it goes in one direction, turns a bit then flies away – is so strange. I was freaked out.”’
Searching for answers about the mystery doll and the glowing light, Armstrong has sought the help of a local medium. The medium said, “That looks like an orb, someone visiting the child from the other side. They want to check if it’s anyone in spirits’ birthday or anniversary this month and this can include pets that have passed.”