Insects crawling in people’s ears is the fear that many hope to never experience, which is why dousing her ear with mouthwash in hopes of killing a cockroach that crawled into it was only logical for a Singaporean woman.
“Honestly, right? I’m just f**king unlucky because how does this happen to someone?!” said the TikTok user who uploaded her experience on the short-video platform.
She said that the cockroach was on her bed next to her ear, so she whacked it in hopes of killing the insect.

However, the insect decided to flee the scene to avoid sudden death. Seeing a chance to escape, the cockroach crawled into the woman’s ear.
In her video, with over 440,000 views to date, the woman said she felt like vomiting while she got the dead insect removed at Tan Tock Seng’s A&E.

“I almost fainted when the doctor pulled out the severed body of the cockroach with its feelers out of my ear,” she added in the caption.
The TikTok user explained more in detail what happened in another video on July 21 after netizens confirmed that her experience was a new fear unlocked.
After the insect lodged itself into her ear, the woman screamed as she couldn’t pull it out with her fingers.
The cockroach wriggling in her ear was an “uncomfortable and disgusting” sensation, she noted.
She then ran to the toilet, filled a Listerine bottle cap with mouthwash and poured it into her ear.
“At this point, (I) honestly don’t think Listerine is safe for your ear, but I didn’t know what else to do,” she said, laughing as she recalled what happened.
The cockroach stopped wriggling, although she could hear it crackling, causing her hearing to become muffled.
With the cockroach dead and unable to resist extraction, the woman then tried pulling it out with tweezers—only to break the insect in half.
“Yo guys, like, I broke it into like, pieces. So when some of it came out right, the white guts came out, and like the skin of the cockroach — the f**king, like oh my god, the brown shell came out. You don’t understand, like, I wanted to puke,” she said.
Doctors managed to remove the cockroach “leg by leg” using specialized tools and suction equipment. She noted that the entire process was “f**king painful.”

“They gave me some ear drops for antibacterial, but it is mostly out. New fear unlocked,” she added.
Netizens agreed and commented that the video made their ears itchy or was now scared of sleeping and would start wearing earbuds while sleeping. /TISG
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