SINGAPORE: In recent Singapore news, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat told Workers’ Party MP Jamus Lim to “be part of the team” in coming up with suggestions for improving the take-up rate for the SkillsFuture programme.

Assoc Prof Lim (Sengkang GRC) and fellow WP MP Gerald Giam (Aljnunied GRC) said that only three out of 10 people have used their SkillsFuture credits thus far. They also questioned whether the scheme would improve workers’ capacities and grow the economy.

Older workers, who should all the more be encouraged toward re-skilling, are showing an even lower take-up rate, Assoc Prof Lim added.

Given the changes artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing, he asked how the government will ensure that SkillsFuture can increase its take-up rates and fulfil its aim of reskilling workers.

In his response, DPM Heng cautioned against focusing too much on the take-up rates for SkillsFuture.

He said that different approaches need to be taken for different workers and added that there is a “range of options available” for individuals who want to accomplish courses on their own and change their jobs.

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He also challenged Assoc Prof Lim to come up with better solutions.

“… play a constructive role — because with your professorship, you will know this well, right? Play a constructive role, be part of the team. If you have a great suggestion, I’m open to considering it,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.

Assoc Prof Lim said he has made suggestions in Parliament and added that if any ministries invite him or his fellow WP colleagues to participate in these discussions, they would be “more than happy to do so.”

However, Mr Heng told him that since he is from the WP, he does not need an invitation to participate in such discussions.

On his part, Mr Giam said there could be a broader use of SkillsFuture credits apart from subsidising courses, as “workers need hands-on practice” in acquiring skills.

In response, Mr Heng answered that a wide range of courses is already available. /TISG

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