Singapore—Controversial blogger Wendy Cheng, popularly known for her cotton-candy pink hair and the moniker Xiaxue, says ‘baochi chuxin’ sums up her entire career.
in an Instagram Story on Sunday (Sept 27) that included a photo from an interview a few months ago., she says her whole career rests on that one phrase. The picture contains a caption that read:
“Xiaxue will always stay true to herself (baochi chuxin)…”
In her IG Story, Ms Cheng wrote:
“Now I get how that one sentence sums up my entire career.”
Indeed, her insistence on candidly airing her opinions on issues, no matter how unpopular or provocative, has characterised her from the beginning of her career. And she has gained, and lost, many fans because of it.
While her popularity arguably reached its peak over a decade ago when her blog was the first from the country to be included in the Technorati Global Top 100 Blogs List, Ms Cheng found herself in the headlines yet again this year.
She posted an IG Story in July about Workers’ Party politician Raeesah Khan saying: “Oops guess it wasn’t a good idea to stir up racist sentiments, was it? I’m not a fan of the lack of freedom of speech we have in Sg, but I love it that whether you post woke or anti-woke comments, the gov’t is gonna come after you all the same…. stop fielding radical feminists/leftist as candidates ffs we don’t need their poison infecting our politics.”
And she’s been in the news since then. After a complaint was lodged against the blogger, the police have said they would not be taking action against Xiaxue.
In the meantime, she is going relentlessly after her critics. Last week, a netizen took to social media to say that Xiaxue had filed an Expedited Protection Order and a Stop Publication Order against her.
And based on her post last Sunday, it seems that Xiaxue will remain true to herself.
The blogger wrote in her IG story that she had rewatched her interview with Quan Yi Fong from last June and that she remembered: “this poignant one liner that the production team told me.”
She said at that time she did not give it much thought because she did not really understand it. “But now I get how that one sentence sums up my entire career,” Xiaxue wrote.
“Be authentic, stay true to how you were before you had everything. And they can smear you all they want, but people will know the truth.”
Ms Cheng, who has never been shy with using profanity, continued, “You may know me as a bi***. But I’m the bi*** you know. Think about all the other bi***es out there pretending to be good people when they are not.”
She added that people have “tried so hard” to find things from the past to finger point at her, “but all they managed to find is a decade-old tweet where I slipped up and let my emotions get the better of me.”
The tweet she referred to was from 2010, where Xiaxue seemed to target migrant workers. The tweet, which has since been deleted, said: “Coz they molest people and f!@# our maids and leer at girls and flood little India!! Yeah I’m stereotyping, but f!@# u if u say it’s not true.”
A Mr Vignesh Sankar filed a police report against her over the tweet and accused her of stirring up anti-Indian sentiments.
Regarding the matter, the Attorney-General’s Chambers advised that “the elements of an offence have not been established beyond a reasonable doubt,” after which the police announced that no further action would be taken against the blogger.
Ms Cheng wrote on Sunday, “One mistake in 17 years of writing. Who hasn’t said anything wrong in 17 years of their life?” —/TISG
Read also: Xiaxue files Expedited Protection Order and Stop Publication Order against woman
Xiaxue files Expedited Protection Order and Stop Publication Order against woman