SINGAPORE: A 29-year-old man having financial difficulties turned to social media to seek advice on making extra cash or generating passive income. 

“I make about 3.5k a month, and I feel like I am barely surviving because I have school loans to think about and my marriage is coming soon. Help!” u/Puzzleheaded_Set4534 wrote on r/askSingapore on Wednesday (Jan 24).

He added that while working part-time on the weekends is fine with him, he is finding it difficult because he recently started his degree, which is eating up too much of his time. 

He also planned a small wedding and intended to save up on some costs for the ceremony; however, their parents wouldn’t like it.

 “The issue is parents. It has always been parents. I strongly believe my generation would want to save as much on marriages and think more about investments/properties/etc,” he stated.

Financial advice from other Singaporeans

The post author received a lot of financial advice in the comments section, with many advising him to either save as much as possible or look for methods to augment his $3,500 monthly income.

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Track and cut down daily expenses

According to user Brikandbones, figuring out how much he could save on his daily expenses was the simplest and fastest way to make money. The user then advised him to tabulate all his expenses and calculate everything using Excel.

“You’ll be surprised at the amount of junk you spend on,” the user said.

Keeping track of expenses is always a wise decision. This is because it makes it easier for someone to pinpoint the aspects of their lifestyle where they are overspending.

It makes it possible for people to pinpoint unnecessary costs that can be reduced, such as going out to eat too much or purchasing pricey clothing. 

Do some side gigs on the weekend

Several users also recommended that he do some side gigs on the weekend. This includes working in fast food establishments or, if he has a ¾ license, applying to be a driver, as many places are hiring.

User FastBoysenberry4151 added, “If you have 2B, you can do private investigation work, debt collection, swimming pool maintenance, etc. You got CEI? Apply as a recruiter.”

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Find a higher-paying job

User moonie60 also offered his opinion and stated that a side gig could be unsustainable in the long run since he already has his studies and his main job, and adding this to his plate could simply cause burnout.

“Sounds like you’re backed up by quite a bit of commitment. Have you considered looking for a higher-paying job?” the user asked.

While higher-paying jobs can demand more effort, this can give the man more income at the same amount of working hours, plus he can now have the weekends to relax.

However, when going for these highly sought positions, one should always remember to spruce up one’s resume by listing down all valid experiences, attending relevant conferences and workshops, or signing up for career development courses online.

Keep in mind that half the battle is how one presents himself or herself as a candidate.

Cut down on wedding expenses

Some users also suggested cutting down on his wedding expenses. 

User Nice-Background-3339 commented, “Do simple ones ideally below 10k. I.e no hotel banquet. Bto if can’t afford mature estate or 5 room take 4 room or even 3 room and plan for max 1 kid.”

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User wakkawakkaaaa likewise mentioned the same thing, stating that he should talk to his partner and see if “there’s any arrangements like ROM only and not waste money on banquets that serve no purpose other than for face.”

Wedding ceremonies are a beautiful reminder of the sacredness of marriage and the beginning of a new chapter for two individuals.

However, this celebration can also take a huge toll on one’s wallet. As The Smart Local’s Hot Take revealed on their Youtube video, the costs for this celebration have gone as much as tenfold over the years:

“Last time, you know, aunties and uncles told us that they’d just spent like about $4,000 on their weddings. But nowadays, we’re spending about $40,000 on our weddings,” the Youtube host Ong said.

Read related: “How much you spend on your wedding?” — $4K or $40K? Is it worth breaking the bank for?