The Malaysian PM Najib Razak and his deputy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the 1MDB’s criminal case in Singapore were hearsay!

Hence, both want the records of proceedings presented in the criminal trial involving Yeo Jiawei by the prosecution in a case against Najib and Zahid to be dropped.

If the Singapore proceedings are allowed in the case against them, both leaders risk being called unfit to be in the cabinet of ministers for misleading the public.

The plaintiff, Khairuddin Abu Hassan is objecting to the applications by the two top Malaysian leaders.

Khairuddin, a former Umno member sacked from the ruling party of Najib, is pressing charges over the RM2.6 billion found in the Malaysian PM’s account.

Najib and Zahid said in their defense the Singapore proceedings could not be admitted in the case.

Last year, the High Court allowed Khairuddin to include the documents in support of his action against Najib and Zahid.

Khairuddin, a critic of 1MDB, in his statement of claim, said both leaders were unfit to be in the cabinet for misleading the public that RM2.6 billion in Najib’s account had come from an Arab donor.

He said Najib and Zahid failed to uphold their oath to protect and defend the Federal Constitution as prescribed under the Sixth Schedule of the constitution.

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Khairuddin said the applications to expunge the documents was absurd as the evidence came from a Commonwealth jurisdiction like Malaysia, the Free Malaysia Today reported.

“It is illogical to claim that the Singapore court proceedings are not evidence, and this could amount to contempt of court,” Khairuddin told reporters after a case management today.

Khairuddin said sometime in March 2013, US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) was deposited into the private accounts of Najib, which he claimed belonged to 1MDB.

He said Najib had on several occasions publicly denied that the money belonged to 1MDB and instead declared that it had come from an Arab donor.

Khairuddin said Zahid, publicly as well as in the Dewan Rakyat, had declared that he had met the donor or donors of the US$681 million.

On the other hand, the Dewan Rakyat (Parliament) Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and its secretary Datuk Roosme Hamzah succeeded in their High Court bid to throw out a legal challenge against their rejection of Parliamentary questions on 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

Judge Datuk Kamaludin Md Said allowed the duo’s application to dismiss the originating summons by Petaling Jaya Selatan Member of Parliament Hee Loy Sian, who had sought to nullify Pandikar’s and Roosme’s decision to reject his questions in the Parliament.