Singapore — It is often said about the nation’s political arena that “there is a lack of opposition unity”. However, the Progress Singapore Party’s (PSP) Kumaran Pillai offered a fresh take on the subject in a Facebook post on Wednesday (June 17).

The businessman, who was among party members introduced to the public recently, wrote that some journalists had asked about “opposition unity or the lack of it” in the light of the coming General Election (GE).

While the date of the GE has yet to be announced, it must be held before April 14, 2021. It is now widely speculated that the polls will be held next month. With phase 2 of the easing of circuit breaker measures beginning on Friday (June 19), many people believe  it may be a matter of weeks before the GE is held.

Mr Kumaran said that, contrary to popular belief, there is a “loose alliance of sorts” among the larger opposition political parties. “There is mutual respect and understanding among the larger parties to avoid 3-cornered fights.”

The problem is that the “fringe parties”, as referred to by the media, are “going on a head-on collision course”, he said. “It is very reckless of them.”

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However, as Singapore is a democracy, the less-prominent political parties should be allowed to contest, “if they really feel that they are bringing something extra to the table”, he said. “Plurality of voices is a good thing. I encourage it and may the best man/woman win.” 

On Monday (June 15), People’s Power Party founder and leader Goh Meng Seng had said in a Facebook post that “massive 3-cornered fights, from the east to the west, north to south”, would be seen in the coming polls. He called it “a devastating GE for opposition”.

Earlier, People’s Voice founder Lim Tean had said there was no discord among the opposition parties. “Don’t think that there is no unity in the opposition,” he said. “I’m telling you — there absolutely is!”

He added: “Today, the opposition landscape cannot be more vibrant. It cannot be more invigorating.”

Author’s note: Mr Kumaran was the publisher of this site, The Independent Singapore, from June 2013 to February this year.


Read also: PSP’s Kumaran Pillai: “Is the $93B pumped into the economy adequate?”

PSP’s Kumaran Pillai: “Is the $93B pumped into the economy adequate?”