Singapore – Josephine Teo shared a story of their domestic helper and noted there would be no Ministry of Manpower (MOM) “mandate” on keeping domestic helpers at home on rest days.

The Minister of Manpower took to Facebook on Sunday (Mar 22) to provide an example of social responsibility practised by her family’s domestic helper, Carmen.

“For over 20 years since she came into our lives, Carmen has been going to church on Sundays,” said Ms Teo. “This morning, she decided to stay home and take part in the service through live streaming.” Ms Teo expressed her gratitude towards Carmen’s thoughtfulness in choosing to stay home for her church service.

Ms Teo then segued into the topic of domestic helpers and their rest day plans.

“I’m aware that some people would like MOM to ‘mandate’ that domestic helpers stay home on rest days,” she said and added that she understood the concern for health risks.

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“However, others have pointed out it does not make much sense to impose such a requirement on domestic helpers when everyone else at home is moving about and also at risk.”

Instead, MOM, in partnership with Centre for Domestic Employees, is urging domestic helpers to consider staying home more, meet in small groups, keep the meetings short, avoid sharing food and physical contact and practice safe distancing when taking public transport.

Read more on the advisory below:[0]=68.ARCWF1R6YwO5CV5PWPHm1sBpGzuUuXhCsSWCLiSjftdqeiBV5YYQUNsPgglk1wvKsRlM2ANH-hyU__vTScFVWkO4zTodpeB2CPRHgUDNebivUQHPXhlVxfbjjdKIkmxpvA0I5OtPw07uyW5KuH5QCEo46SZRCWD563vHsXtCh-M1BNJ3Gq86ZsotprEMuxaqVTdXd8g5F0oV2cVQtvhnV17tTsb7z2-rzG8ybUQKEadjlLZXb7GxjxxvZD0SXLFRT1bFltXS9kRJaWFvHoHU6Z1kdTESSyVImKHxKeM9j4WlBE6ba8r588SYukS0Jo3NviOYmq3eZqZ28NO1hBjhkw&__tn__=-R

Because Covid-19 respects no borders or occupations, “we need our domestic helpers to be sensible and do their part,” said Ms Teo. She also advised employers to work out “fair arrangements” regarding rest days. “Do keep in mind their mental well-being and allow them to connect with friends and family,” reminded Ms Teo.

Members from the online community thanked the minister for remembering foreign workers and implementing all-inclusive safety measures.

Photo: FB screengrab/ Josephine Teo
Photo: FB screengrab/ Josephine Teo
Photo: FB screengrab/ Josephine Teo
Photo: FB screengrab/ Josephine Teo