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A sky-high bounty in one of the world’s largest rip-off, the US$250 million (S$340.1 million) super-yacht dubbed as Equanimity, is now available for charter with a new name –Tranquility. This following its seizure and subsequent fire sale to one of Malaysia’s well-heeled.

According to Camper & Nicholsons, its agent, the 91.5-metre yacht, presently berthed at Le Vieux Port at Cannes on the French Riviera, can be had for US$1.25 million a week, excluding fuel and extra charges. The vessel is owned by Orient Peace, the Cayman Islands-registered unit of Genting Group, one of Malaysia’s biggest cluster of businesses which ranged from casinos, cruises to plantations and power plants.

Its previous owner Low Taek Jho, more popularly known as Jho Low, has a taste for luxury and lavish parties and the fodder of entertainment headlines from Hong Kong to Hollywood. Low is a person of interest in a global money laundering investigation related to the alleged mishandling of US$4.5 billion from Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB.

See also  Suspicion of 1MDB corruption did not stop Goldman Sachs officials lured by cash pile

“Everything you can think of is found there, and many things that you don’t think about is also there,” Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said in August 2018 during a visit to the yacht that his government had impounded from Low. “It is not really a yacht, but a hug ship.”