SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media asking others what the average salary of a maid should be. She also wanted to know if their salary was proportionate to the experience they had and the responsibilities they took on.

In a post to a support group on social media for domestic helpers and employers alike, the woman asked: “Could you help me benchmark helper salary?”

She wanted to know if anyone was paid a monthly salary of $950 or more. “If so, how many years of experience do you have and what’s your primary responsibility (childcare, elderly care, cleaning, etc)?” the woman asked. In response, a number of helpers shared that they received over $1,000 a month. One even said she was paid $1,800.

Here’s what they wrote:

Earlier this year, a foreign domestic helper took to social media asking others if she had the right to demand a higher salary.

In a post to a support group for domestic helpers and employers alike, the maid wrote that she wanted a S$100 increase in her salary and to be able to take the day off on Public Holidays. She added that she had been working for the family for almost six years, with a salary of $750. The maid also wrote that she had to take care of three children, aged 7, 5, and 3.

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“Do u think i have the right to demand for another $100 increase and PH off in case they still want to renew my contract?” she asked.

Maid asks if she has the right to demand salary increase and public holidays after 6 years with the same employer