SINGAPORE: On Friday (Jan 17), an online user posted a question many might hesitate to ask: “Why do some people hose down the entire toilet after using it?” The post sparked a spirited discussion about toilet etiquette and cleaning habits.

“I’m sure there must be a reason, but I can’t figure out why you wouldn’t even wipe down a bit after using the bum gun to soak every available surface in the stall. Walking into their newly minted wading pond isn’t very pleasant. What gives?” the user vented.

Many netizens shared their theories. “(Maybe) they shower inside? Or wash their feet?” one user guessed. Others suggested practical explanations, such as: “Sometimes the water pressure is set to max, hence the mess.”

Another commenter confessed, “I hose down the toilet bowl before I do my business. After that, I use the hose/bidet to wash so I can feel it’s clean.”

Some participants criticised these habits, particularly in public restrooms. “Bum guns are fine at home, but in public toilets, they’re a disaster because of this type of behaviour,” one user argued.

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Another even called out a specific location: “JB shopping centre’s male toilets are all wet everywhere. Maybe they shower in the toilet stall using the bidet.”

While some defended the practice as cleaner, others felt it crossed a line. “Better wet and clean than dry and dirty. Can’t stand yellow or brown stains on or under the toilet seat,” one shared, adding that at home, they insist on hosing down the seat after use.

Meanwhile, one user suggested that the mess in public restrooms might not always be the users’ fault: “If you’re talking about a public toilet, probably it’s the cleaner who did that.”

See also: Nearly half of Singaporeans are open to paying for clean public toilets, survey reveals