Ustaz Azhar Idrus is well known for the funny undertones of his speeches, and for his witty answers to questions filed to him through his sermons.
And this video where he is speaking about the reasons why Malaysian Malays should not celebrate Valentine’s day is as hilarious.
He said only the ‘stupidest among the stupids’ would still celebrate the day.
Explaining why the 14th of February is not an occasion to celebrate, he told the audience only the lowest or ugliest of cows in a competition among cows would go and celebrate or make wishes on that day.
He said the day marked a celebration for Saint Valentino, a Spanish priest who had forced the conversion of at least one million Muslims in Spain and as a result of this, he was granted the wish to marry his lover.
He then unleashes a sarcastic remark in which he said when the religious figures tell the Malays not to celebrate, the young ones would fight back saying the ‘Ustaz do not know anything’.
He started the video saying the laws about Valentine day is that it is haram for Muslims to celebrate such a day.
He said the priest Saint Valentino’s wedding day became Valentine’s day.
Azhar Idrus is well respected among the Muslims in Malaysia. Some said he did not mean any offence to the non-Muslims in the video.