Causeway traffic jam to JB

SINGAPORE: Is Johor Bahru (JB) even worth the time for Singaporeans to go shopping when the causeway traffic jam is so bad?

Well, with the recent GST hike in Singapore and Malaysia’s ringgit reaching another all-time low against the Singapore dollar, why not? Singaporeans are not thinking twice about flocking to JB to enjoy this shopping opportunity.

So now, let’s take a quick look at the numbers from Livingcost:

Malaysia vs Singapore Prices

Eating Out

Eating Out

Rent & Utilities

Rent & Utilities




Groceries 1



According to Dr Wealth, these are the ten things where you can save money when comparing Malaysia vs Singapore prices:

  1. Groceries
  2. Beauty salons
  3. Health screenings
  4. Pregnancy & confinement
  5. Health supplements
  6. Discretionary spending
  7. Theme park experience
  8. Aesthetic treatments
  9. Branded electronics
  10. Petrol

Considering the savings potential across various categories like groceries, health services, beauty treatments, and more, a trip to JB offers Singaporeans substantial value for their money.

From lower healthcare costs to discounted consumer electronics, JB presents an enticing opportunity to stretch the Singaporean dollar further without compromising quality.

Whether Singaporeans’ goals are stocking up on essentials, indulging in leisure activities, or seeking aesthetic treatments, JB’s proximity and competitive pricing make it a worthwhile destination for savvy shoppers looking to maximise their savings.

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And the winner is…

It’s obvious who the winner is.

Despite the traffic and potential border hassle, when comparing the prices, it’s evident that the savings can add up.

With careful planning and a keen eye for bargains, a trip to JB can be a rewarding experience, offering significant savings on everyday expenses.

As Singaporeans continue to flock to JB for bargains, Malaysia remains a top destination for those looking to stretch their dollars further.

Each price has been converted to Malaysian Ringgit (RM) and Singapore Dollars (SGD) from its USD counterpart using the conversion rates as of Feb 28, 2024: 1 USD = 4.76 RM, 1 USD = 1.35 SGD, and 1SGD = 3.54 MYR. Conversions used are subject to change, and the rates applied were accurate as of the date above. /TISG

Read also: Bank Negara Malaysia responds to Ringgit’s fall to 26-year low