

Protesters advocating for a cease-fire in war-torn countries disrupted President Biden’s speech at the Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston on Monday.

This incident highlights the deepening divisions among Democrats concerning the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Biden, who was addressing the congregation at the church where a white supremacist gunman took the lives of nine worshippers in 2015, faced interruptions as he spoke about the challenges to truth in America. Inside the church, voices rose, demanding action on the conflict.

“If you really care about the lives lost here, then you should honor the lives lost and call for a cease-fire,” shouted one woman, her words echoing through the church. The disruption escalated as multiple people joined in chanting, “Cease-fire now!”

Protesters escorted out

The President remained composed as the protesters were escorted out, with his supporters countering the protest by chanting, “Four more years!”

Addressing the interruption, Biden acknowledged the passion of the protesters and revealed ongoing efforts to influence the Israeli government’s actions.

“I understand their passion,” Biden stated calmly. “And I’ve been quietly working with the Israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out.”

As the President resumed his prepared remarks, a supporter from the pews expressed admiration for Biden, saying, “You are an understanding person. They don’t realize that. You’re a good man,” prompting applause from the audience.

 Rebuffing calls for a cease-fire

Despite appeals for a cease-fire, the White House has rebuffed such calls, citing concerns that it would allow terrorist clusters to regroup.

Instead, Biden and other officials have urged Israel to minimize civilian impacts.

The incident in Charleston underscores the challenges the Biden administration faces in navigating the complex geopolitics of the Middle East while responding to internal pressures for a change in approach.

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