In a rather heartbreaking story, a netizen alleged that his friend’s wife got married to him just to become a Permanent Resident (PR) in Singapore. In an anonymous post to popular Facebook page SGWhispers, the netizen wrote that his friend got married to a foreigner the year before, and added that to date, they have been married for 9 months.

In a post on Monday (Jun 20), the netizen added: “Throughout the marriage, the wife does not attend any family’s (sic) gatherings on the husband[‘s] side. And she did not move to her husband’s place after ROM. After marriage, the wife’s true colours started to show. She will get angry at the slightest thing and will start cursing him and his family to death”.

The netizen also added that after getting married, the wife then blocked her husband on all forms of social media. And after being seen with another guy, her husband found out that she had been staying with her older sister, a PR as well. When the husband asked the woman’s sister where his wife was, she retorted: “why can’t she go out with friend? She cannot have guy friend?”

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“So the intention and scheme of this woman is clear now, ever since she came to SG in 2017, she has been sleeping around with SG men with the hopes of attaining PR status”, the netizen wrote. He explained that she had been in relationships with about five men over the years. While his friend wanted to divorce his wife, because they were married for less than three years, he was unable to do so.

Asking others for advice on his friend’s married life, he wrote: “Dear all, please advise what can my friend do now to stop this woman from breaking up families and relationships in SG. She is still enjoying her life here. Looking for guys with money and car. Looking to switch career with her newly given PR status for higher pay”.

Here’s what netizens said: