Lee Hsien Yang & Lee Wei Ling say LKY would have “cringed” at hero worship in commemorative coin, exhibition to mark 100th anniversary of his birth

SINGAPORE — Lee Hsien Yang was quick to point out his sister’s comments that their father Lee Kuan Yew would have cringed at the hero worship just one year after his death.
The younger Mr Lee’s comment came in response to an article shared by former ST editor Bertha Henson. Ms Henson shared an article titled ‘Commemorative coin, exhibition among initiatives to mark 100th anniversary of Lee Kuan Yew’s birth’. In her post, Ms Henson wrote: “I wonder what LKY would make of all this…”
The Tin Pei Ling fiasco and the question of morality

The PAP statement on the Tin Pei Ling fiasco has a damning line. “…the party did not object…,’’ the party said of its initial stand when the MP informed it of her plan to join Grab. PAP glossed over the issue of conflict of interest until concerned citizens continued to hammer the point that her role in charge of public affairs and policy matters had moral implications.
The technology and ride-hailing company is no ordinary company; it has to deal with the government on many fronts like technology, rider welfare and safety and public perception. It has deep political implications like whether she will be used to lobby government for the Grab’s interests and whether she will use the information she has gained as a ruling party MP to tip off her management.
SG man says he feels like a failure in Singapore; can’t BTO with his non-S’porean partner, doesn’t feel he belongs here

SINGAPORE — A Singaporean man took to social media to talk about how he felt like he did not belong here because of a multitude of reasons, and had to move overseas.
In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the man wrote that he was thankful for the opportunities given here, “I am fully aware how privileged we are to be given good education in a politically stable environment. But my mind can’t help but to remember all the negatives”.
Night owl CEOs reject the “wake up at 5 am” club and yet have successful high-flying careers

Not all Chief Executive Officers (CEO) are typical with their routine, and nowadays, there is a new type of boss called a night owl, who do not bother to wake up early. Some don’t start the day until 10 am and still have successful high-flying careers.
We all know there are two types of people, those who get up early and jump out of bed ready to conquer the world and the others who get out of bed rather grudgingly and only feel alive when the sun sets.
Can a maid without 8 years of formal education still be hired in Singapore?

SINGAPORE — An employer took to social media asking if they would be able to get a work permit for a maid who had less than eight years of formal education.
In a post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the employer asked: “one of the conditions to get a work permit for MDW in Singapore is ‘at least 8 years of formal education’ Is this an absolute requirement? Has anyone successfully acquired a work permit even if you had, say 7 years of education?”