SINGAPORE: Soup kitchen Krsna’s Free Meals shared the heartwarming story of Mr Devendran Saravanan, a migrant worker who celebrated receiving his tradesman certification in a very special way.

Upon receiving his certification from the Building and Construction Authority, he donated to Krsna’s Free Meals, something Mr Devendran has wanted to do for a while now. “Even I, when I didn’t have food, have given 50 cents and eaten here,” he says in a short video clip shared by the organization over their Facebook and TikTok accounts.


🌟 Heartwarming Act of Gratitude 🌟 In a beautiful gesture of giving back, a migrant worker, Saravanan, celebrated his certification by passing it forward. Understanding the struggles and the journey of his fellow workers, he has made a thoughtful donation to Krsna’s Free Meals so others can benefit. Let’s take inspiration from this incredible act of kindness and remember the power of ‘passing it forward.’ Together, we can create a ripple effect of generosity and compassion in the world. #KrsnaFreeMeals #FashionWithCompassion #KrsnaFreeMeals #MigrantWorkers #SingaporeHeroes #CommunityAppreciation #DiversityCelebration #soupkitchen #migrantworkersupport #volunteerSG #donateSG #communityservice #helpingothers #Singaporecharity #giveback #supportlocal #socialgood #foodforacause #endhunger #kindnessmatters #makeadifference #compassionforall #humanitarianaid #sghelpers #sgvolunteers #sgcharity #feedtheneedydontbetheneedy

♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) – Danilo Stankovic

Krsna’s Free Meals, located at Veerasamy Road in Little India and serves free breakfast and lunch daily, posted Mr Devendran’s story earlier this week, calling what he did a “Heartwarming Act of Gratitude.”

“In a beautiful gesture of giving back, a migrant worker, Saravanan, celebrated his certification by passing it forward. Understanding the struggles and the journey of his fellow workers, he has made a thoughtful donation to Krsna’s Free Meals so others can benefit,” the group wrote in the video’s caption.

In it, Mr Devendran can be seen visiting the soup kitchen to make his donation and talking to some of its members.

“Let’s take inspiration from this incredible act of kindness and remember the power of ‘passing it forward.’ Together, we can create a ripple effect of generosity and compassion in the world,” Krsna’s Free Meals added.

The group welcomes donations and volunteers; more information on what they do may be found here.

“At this soup kitchen in Little India, you’ll help by cutting vegetables, packing meals, and tidying up after meal service. You can volunteer for either the breakfast slot (6.30am to 9.30am) or the lunch slot (9.30am to 2.30pm),” says TimeOut about the group.

Commenters on the group’s TikTok account applauded Mr Devendran for his generosity and gratitude.

And when one TikTok user wrote that the worker must be receiving a high salary, another answered that people who have less are often more giving than the rich because they’ve experienced what it’s like to go without.

“This is so true,” answered Krsna’s Free Meals.

Others thanked Mr Devendran for his generous gesture.

The organization made the news late last month for partnering with the global non-profit organization Love Button to give concert tickets to migrant workers for the British rock band Coldplay in Singapore, a gesture meant to inspire and convey goodwill to the workers.


From Building to Boogieing! Imagine helping to construct a stadium and then returning to rock out at a concert! These migrant workers built this very stadium, and now they’re here at a Coldplay concert, dancing and singing. Let’s celebrate their hard work and this moment of pure joy! #MigrantHeroes #MusicMagic #BuildingDreams #coldplay #ColdplaySingapore #migrantworkers#krsnasfreemeals#singapore#soupkitchen

♬ original sound – Krsna’s Free Meals – Krsna’s Free Meals

Love Button gave the organization eight free Coldplay tickets. /TISG

Read also: “Do they know who Coldplay are?” — Mixed reactions to concert tickets charity gift given to migrant workers

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