SINGAPORE: A man took to social media to share that during one of his get-togethers, he heard one of his new friends mentioning “all the typical things many men believe SG women look for in a guy,” such as a car, career, and home.

His new friend said that men without these assets don’t stand a chance of dating local women.

Irked by his new friend’s statement, which implied that Singaporean women are materialistic, he quickly rebutted, saying, “I told him my fiance earns nearly twice as much as me, he went error 404.”

“To be fair, I know I’m a huge exception to the rule. We are both Christian and I’m a church staff in a small church. She knows I don’t earn much due to the nature of my job but admires and respects the value it brings to the kids I work with.

She also volunteers on my team and loves that we do this together as a shared mission,” the man shared.

The man added, “Sure, people might have things to say about what she earns compared to him but he’s learned to get past it.”

“Your error 404 friend doesn’t understand women”

The remark that his friend made during their get-together also angered Singaporean Redditors, who said that he probably doesn’t understand what women want; otherwise, he wouldn’t go about saying that SG women are materialistic and superficial.

One Redditor said, “Your error 404 friend doesn’t understand women. If we like you, you can ride a motorcycle over and we will smile like an idiot sheepishly.

If we do not like you, even if you pick me up in an Aston Martin, I also can’t remember the car plate number. My heart won’t flutter.”

See also  Woman asks, “Do SG guys send their girlfriend home for the dating culture here?”

Another commented, “Your friend is saying that SG women want all these things because it’s easier to blame women than admit that maybe he’s not very attractive or interesting.

And the fact that he blames women, is probably the reason why women don’t want to talk to him.”

One Redditor also shared, “I had a friend who suddenly took an interest in me. He wanted to hang out all the time, and I thought he was just bored… until he kept bringing up how much he earns and that he paid for his own car (Merc).

Then it hit me that he’s interested in me. I was instantly repulsed and frankly offended that he thought I would be tempted to date him because of his income. Instant turn off.

So whenever men bring up how we are shallow, I roll my eyes deeply and scoff.”

In similar news, a man earlier this week also made a disparaging remark against local women, saying, “Sinkie men should date western-raised girls because they are less materialistic than Sinkie girls.”

The man claimed that Western girls were less likely to care whether men were wealthy. And that, as long as they had a steady job and took care of their physique, they could get any Western girl they wanted.

Read more: Singaporean man says, “Sinkie men should date Western-raised girls because they are less materialistic than Sinkie girls