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Dear Editor,

I was saddened to read about the sandwiched generation lady who could not afford $15 meals with her colleagues and felt like a cheapskate.

In Singapore, more than elsewhere, societal and peer pressure is so intense that many feel inferior or inadequate. This is very real, and it takes a thick skin and a strong spirit to overcome.

Thanks to the pandemic and travel restrictions, I was forced into retirement. I used to be able to afford nice meals in air-conditioned malls and restaurants. But now I happily eat economy meals in Kopitiam or hawkers. And I’ve discovered some very satisfying meals (quality and quantity) for under $6 all over the island. They are actually better than the bistro or restaurant food, minus the air-con and ambience. I drink $1 kopi-O instead of Starbucks or Coffee Bean.

Admittedly, it took a while to adjust, but now I am very comfortable in my own skin. I go where I am celebrated, not tolerated. I enjoy my food and savour the atmosphere of the heartlands. I teach myself to be grateful because the fact is if I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep at night, three square meals a day and a shirt on my back I am among the top 10% in the world.

Most Singaporeans would be considered rich in other parts of the planet. If everyone rides a bicycle, the guy with a Toyota is rich. But here with all the Audi, BMW and Mercedes the guy with a Toyota feels “poor”.

Lawrence Seow

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of The Independent Singapore.