Couple struggles to pay S$12K loan after lavish wedding forced by parents

Following pressure from their parents to throw a lavish wedding, a couple is now left with a hefty loan to repay. The bride confessed more details online, which was later shared on the Emosi Twitter page on Nov 8.

She said she’s been crying for the past six months instead of experiencing happiness after the lavish wedding. The woman said she and her husband work regular jobs; she is a government contract worker, and her husband is a clerk.

However, when they informed her parents that they wanted a small wedding with about 100 guests, they faced obstacles. Her parents said their many relatives and friends would be offended if they weren’t invited.

The woman also felt her parents’ disapproval made it seem like they weren’t confident in her husband’s capacity to provide for her. Her husband then talked with the parents, saying they wanted to invite about 1,000 people and to have the lavish wedding in a hotel.

The Malaysian couple then took a loan of RM40,000 (S$11,927) for the lavish ceremony, as suggested by the parents. Following the happy event came the stress of repaying the hefty loan. She said her husband had to work extra doing GrabFood deliveries after his day job while she started an online dropshipping business.

“My husband used to be joyful, and now he just sleeps a lot when he gets home,” said the distressed wife.

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Had they pushed through with the wedding of their choice, they would have a peaceful life now, she added.

About seven months ago, a netizen asked in the Singapore subreddit how much a lavish wedding costs in Singapore. “Do you think it is worth your every penny? Do you also think a banquet is necessary?”

Netizens responded, noting they spent around S$30,000 to S$45,000 for their wedding. They agreed that the wedding inclusions should be based on the couple’s wants, although many go with the banquet because their parents demanded it.

“Over S$30,000 like 10 years ago. Parents wanted it and I didn’t. Ended up with divorce. For me banquet is not necessary; save the money and invite close friends and relatives for a modest dinner, less headache and you probably enjoy it more,” said a Redittor. /TISG


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Read also:

Filipino couple spends $250,000 on Crazy Rich Asians-inspired wedding – Singapore News 

Woman asks why Chinese weddings have become ‘for profit’ instead of ‘love, fun & good food (like Malay weddings?)’ – Singapore News 

Chef Wan is done sponsoring his childrens’ weddings & refuses to pay for his daughter Serina’s second marriage – Singapore News 

Documentary series My Crazy Rich Asian Wedding features mermaid-themed million-dollar celebration for a Singaporean bride – Singapore News