
Boeing FAA

Conservatives are now fearful of flying as the agenda from the FAA and airlines are to focus on DEI. Diversity equity and inclusivity has been one of the most discussed topics of January. There have been discussions about how air travel should maintain its strict standards as a lot of lives are at stake. 

According to Fox News, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is under scrutiny as it actively pursues a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative, seeking employees with “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems, and various physical conditions. 

Following that, the FAA’s website emphasizes “targeted disabilities,” such as hearing impairment, vision issues, paralysis, epilepsy, and severe intellectual disabilities, as areas of focus for recruitment. This initiative, part of the FAA’s broader “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, aims to integrate diversity into its mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel. 

However, critics argue that diversity efforts, including the hiring of individuals with disabilities, may compromise safety in the aviation industry. The FAA, overseeing civil aviation, faces increased scrutiny after recent incidents, with concerns raised about prioritizing diversity over safety.

FAA’s DEI push to include people with “psychiatric” and “intellectual” disabilities 

X users state that DEI should not be relevant for jobs that require specific experiences or qualifications. Many are calling to dismantle this policy as it will obviously have negative implications in the near future. Conservatives feel that if inclusivity is the main focus, the pool to select qualified people will be significantly reduced. 


Furthermore, another user posted a photo of the Alaska Airlines door blowing off mid flight. The caption states “what could go wrong?” This is implying that corporations have gotten too woke as dangerous incidents like these are happening. 


Others state the FAA may soon be a toxic work place as working with people who have psychiatric and intellectual disabilities are not easy to work with. In the end, those who are capable of the job will have to clean up the masses made by these DEI hires. 

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ByAsir F