
Fatphobia woke discriminatory person woke black segregation White police liberal White people Americans

In a recent opinion piece, writer Iona Italia raised concerns about the rise of anti-White sentiment, particularly within leftist political circles. Italia argues that this trend, often perpetuated by White individuals under the guise of social justice, poses a significant obstacle to achieving a race-blind society.

While acknowledging the existence of structural inequalities, Italia emphasizes the importance of recognizing individual worth and avoiding tribalistic rhetoric that fuels extremism and division. Italia warns against dismissing anti-White discrimination, noting that doing so risks moral inconsistency and undermines efforts against all forms of discrimination.

Italia also criticizes attempts to redefine and justify bigotry, highlighting the harmful consequences of excusing hateful rhetoric as jokes or political signaling. According to Italia, upholding universal humanist values is essential in combating bigotry, regardless of its target or origin.

The opinion piece sheds light on the complexities surrounding racial discourse and emphasizes the need for a nuanced approach to addressing discrimination in society.

Americans feel discriminatory remarks towards White people is hindering progress to a united America 


In addition to this, some conservatives who are White feel that minorities are taught to hate them. For our modern society, disliking someone for the color they are should not be tolerated in any way. This goes for Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, and all the other races in our world. 

Following that, others fear the attacks against light colored individuals may happen as this is one of the stages for a “cleansing” to happen. As it is, the opposition leader in South Africa, Julius Malema has made several hateful remarks towards White South Africans. 

Regardless, it is best for us to remember the past and the tragedies that happened. At the end of the day, most people simply want to live in peace. 

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The post Americans upset at “anti-discriminatory” talks mocking solely White people  appeared first on The Independent News.

ByAsir F