How will Singapore look like in the year at SG100, a 100 years from our independence? Finbarr Fallon a student from Bartlett School of Architecture imagines that Singapore’s limited space and growing population will force Singaporeans to go underground.
Finbarr says through his film that the idea of a naturally cooled underground environment would look highly attractive to future Singaporeans because we are known as the ‘air-con nation’.
Finabarr presents Singapore 2065 as a a three dimensional city where caverns co-exist with skyscrapers. The system is a complex and continuously self expanding network of green canyons, tunnels, reservoirs and exploratory excavations into the granite rock below.
In the short film, an engineer from the ‘Subterranean Development Institute’ explains how and why the development came about. The film calls the underground city the‘World’s Greatest Engineering Feat’ and it is targeted at the well-to-do. The foreign workers who built the future city though marginalised and spatially excluded.
The fairly straightforward presentation has an unexpected plot twist at the end.