SINGAPORE: A frustrated girlfriend took to social media after her boyfriend of over a year seemed to want to spend more time with his friends than with her.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the girlfriend wrote that before their relationship was official, her boyfriend used to spend a lot of time with her, even until late at night or the wee hours of the morning even if he had work or school the next day. He also reduced his meetups with some of his friends. However, more than a year into the relationship, the girlfriend wrote that her boyfriend would often meet her after work and say that he wanted to leave early because of work the next day.

She added that he started going out with his friends more and wanted to leave by 8 pm when with her. He would sometimes be able to stay till 1 am when with them.

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The girlfriend asked if her boyfriend has lost his feelings for her. She added that she was always available to him and did not pressure him.

Here’s what netizens said:

Earlier this year, a girlfriend who wanted a Gucci bag costing more than $2,000 asked her boyfriend to buy it for her, even if it meant getting a proposal ring of lesser value.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page NUSWhispers, the woman wrote that her boyfriend of 7 years had just graduated and was earning $4,000 a month. “Throughout these years I have never once requested any big value gifts and the most expensive item he had gotten me was a ring and bag that cost around 700+ in total for anniversary”, she wrote.

When she chanced upon the Gucci bag, she asked him to buy it for her as an anniversary present. In response, “He replied that he can’t as he is saving for a nice proposal ring which is expensive. So, I proposed to him to just get me the Gucci bag and I am fine with a normal ring i.e less than a thousand since proposal is just for the sake of showing to the elders and I am not really keen in proposal rings either. Moreover we will be wearing wedding bands after marriage and the proposal ring will most likely be kept inside the drawer for most of the time”.

Girlfriend insists her boyfriend buy her $2K Gucci bag; she also wouldn’t mind a “normal” proposal ring costing less than $1K