
SINGAPORE — A foreign domestic worker took to social media asking netizens if she needed to inform her employer about her activities on her day off.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid wrote: “To all fellow FDW or employer rather,are we obliged to tell to our employer where we go on our day off,what we do and whose with us?”

She added that the day after her off day, her employer’s husband would always question her about it. She wrote that he would “keep asking where I go and what we do”. The maid also added that her employer would ask her for details, such as who was with her.

She asked other helpers if their employers also asked them for this information.

“are your employer asking this to you?or employer do we need to tell you what activities we do on our day off? I’m just curious”, the maid wrote.

Most helpers and employers who responded wrote that the maid’s employer was probably concerned, which was why he kept asking her. They added that she was not obliged to answer but suggested that she, too, could also be truthful in her answers.

Here’s what they said:

Earlier this month, a foreign domestic helper in a relationship with a local guy started behaving differently when her boyfriend, who was married, underwent a divorce.

In an anonymous post to Facebook group FDW in Singapore (working conditions forum), the maid’s employer asked netizens for their opinions on the situation. He wrote that his maid often spent a lot of time with her boyfriend such that on her days off, she would come back after 11 pm, and on her work days, he would visit her under the family’s block of flats.

See also  Maid says she wants a transfer after being with her employer for 6 days

“Recently, she started acting weird like keeping herself quiet (she’s always bubbly and cheerful). When we ask is it got problem with him. She always deny. When we ask got problem at home, she say no too. But her off days started getting longer, even coming home up to 1am now”, the employer wrote. When he and his wife would ask their maid if anything was wrong, she would deny it and say everything was okay.

When asked if the maid sleeps with her boyfriend, she would say yes and add that she is not pregnant.

“I did some research and found out the boyf is undergoing divorce. Try to contact him thru social media, no response. So I got the number of his soon-to-be-ex-wife. Since our helper is refusing to tell us anything, I want to text the wife and ask for the guy’s number. But my wife is of the opinion that i’m invading my helper’s privacy too much. She says as long as our helper does not get in any trouble, we shouldnt be kepo of her personal life/activities”, the employer wrote.

He explained that he considered his maid to be family and wrote that he would be worried if any of his family members had problems and just wanted to ensure that she did not get into trouble. However, he noted that his helper’s quality of work was on the decline, and when they raised the issue, she would just apologise.

Maid in relationship with S’porean married man comes back at 1 am on her off days