
Your job title doesn’t define your identity, it’s the kind of person you are that defines your identity



We are so often defined and labelled by what we do. In fact, many of us who have lost our jobs no longer feel validated, as for the longest time, we have identified ourselves with what we do, not who we are.

Many of us have conscious bias. Do you notice how often one meets someone new and after asking their names, the next step is often to ascertain what is it they do for a living, and then pigeonhole them accordingly in your mind based on their profession? Very often it is also based on one’s ethnic background.

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Madonna reveals fully nude NFTs & 3D model of her vagina, sold for charity



Who would have thought that Madonna, at the age of 63, would be able to take over the internet and prove that she still rules the world in her own unique way? Yes, it appears that the famous artist is defying time and ageing.

Not only did she also show a 3D scan of her vagina. Her NFT videos are of different art. They portray her as part and parcel of nature, with creepy crawlers and plants emerging from her vagina! See the pictures below – credit to Mother of Nature Photos Courtesy of SuperRare.

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Letter to the Editor: Food delivery order cancellations must be done by customers only, not by riders, and riders must be compensated for the cancelled trip



Dear Editor,

I refer to the article: Man becomes food delivery rider to find out why they’re always stressed, then shares what happens when customers ask riders to cancel orders

On the matter of food delivery, I read customers feel entitled to cancel an order after the rider picks up, or ask the rider to cancel it.

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Letter to the Editor: Next PM should cut all ministers’ salaries by half to gain public trust that ministers really want to serve the public


Dear Editor,

I refer to the article: Man says if he were the PM of S’pore, he would donate 90% of his salary, cut Ministers’ pay in half and reduce GST to 5%

Whoever the next PM will be, he has his work cut out for him. No PM has ever had an easy job, but today’s leaders will find it much more challenging because of an educated and enlightened population. And let’s not forget technology, where everyone knows about something that happened within a few hours.

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One of the biggest influencers on a person’s decision-making is the spouse, and how that can make or break a deal


Photo: Blog screengrab/beautifullyincoherent.blogspot.com

One of my former juniors from my last PR agency job just had an unpleasant evening at a restaurant that’s owned by a friend of mind. He has come out to state that not only was the food and service at a sub-par level, but the manager was also insensitive to feedback that he provided.

Unfortunately for him, the manager in question is the wife of the owner. Sure, he’s the customer. He had taken to social media to complain and had gained the support of a prominent former journalist but at the end of the day, the manager in question is the wife of the owner and between worrying about the potential loss of business which might only be reflected at the end of year accounts and an unpleasant home life, the owner would choose the latter.

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