By: Alternative View

In its latest audit of the civil service, the AGO has uncovered multiple cases of oversight and lapses costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

Among its findings:

1. MFA overpaid telecommunication providers $109,868 and wasted $80,744 as it failed to unsubscribe to lines that were no longer needed.

2. HDB had adequate financial controls over carparks outsourced to commercial operators resulting in failure to detect loss in revenue due to carpark users evading parking fees through manipulation of the carpark system.

3. At LTA, a potential loss of $13.93 million at the Tuas and Causeway customs was uncovered as a result of a lack of effective monitoring system to ensure that motorist pay their tolls.

4. Lax action by MOE in tracking scholars who did not serve their bond resulting in uncovered tuition loans.

5. Payment of “unexceptional high” consultancy fee of $410,000 for the construction of a bin centre costing $470,000, by the National Arts Council

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The scale of these lapses certainly dwarf those under AHTC. What is even more glaring is that they have been recurring year after year despite the PAP’s promises to fix them.

And to date, no PAP Ministers have stepped forward to accept responsibility or be held accountable, not least among them Shanmugam who was – just a few days ago, ranting about the Workers’ Party not showing integrity.

So now where is Shanmugam? Why isn’t he “showing integrity” by taking responsibility for the lapses and millions of dollars lost as a result of recurrent lapses under the PAP?