Earlier today, Chief of People’s Voice Party, Lim Tean, made some big accusations on social media when he wrote that the “state media” was putting out fake news. In that post, he also said that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made remarks about Vietnam that were “uncalled for”.

Photo: Facebook/Lim Tean

In his post, Lim Tean wrote, “Fake News From State Media ! A diplomatic row of the most severe order is brewing between Cambodia, Vietnam and Singapore over Lee Hsien Loong’s uncalled for remarks about Vietnam’s “invasion” of Cambodia in the 70s”.

He made reference to this social media post by PM Lee.

“Social media is rife with chatter about this incident which threatens to ostracise Singapore even further from its ASEAN neighbours. And isn’t it amazing that the State Media chooses to remain mum over this incident. You will agree that any reputable news media would have reported the incident in detail by now”, Lim Tean added.

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In his post, Lim Tean seemed to equate a lack of reporting on the incident with fake news. He also made no attempt to name the organisation he repeatedly referred to as “state media”, although he did refer to it as “our 151st ranked State Media”.

According to the latest Reporters Without Borders (RSF) press freedom index released on April 18, Singapore was ranked 151st, a position it has held since 2017.

Towards the end of his post, Lim Tean clarified his accusations and wrote, “This is tantamount to Fake News! A media that conscientiously does not report and cover relevant news is as guilty of creating fake news as a person who deliberately spreads falsehoods!”/TISG
