Fitness Influencer Kols, who refers to herself as a “realistic fitness coach,” took to social media with revolutionary tips for anyone with a weight loss goal as part of their New Year’s resolutions for 2025.

In her video, she said that setting realistic goals, creating a healthy relationship with food, and focusing on the journey more than the results are all crucial to achieving sustainable weight loss.

“If you don’t know who I am, my name is Kols, and I help normal people lose weight in a normal way, without being restrictive, and while still eating all the foods you love,” she said.

“I lost over 70 pounds on my weight loss journey,” she said. “And if I can only give you three tips going into the new year if your New Year’s resolution is weight loss, these are the tips that I would give you.”

How to set realistic goals

“Tip number one is to already reevaluate your goals,” she said, arguing that being realistic is key to avoiding disappointment and discouragement.

“For me, I work from home. I don’t get a ton of movement throughout the day. So, a realistic step goal for me is about 6000 steps a day. If I said I was gonna get 10,000 steps a day, that is unrealistic. I don’t have enough time in the day. I work too much. I simply cannot do that.

I would have to push myself so hard, and I would get burnt out so quickly, and then end up just giving up and probably sitting on my butt again. So set yourself up realistically. You’re not failing.

If you re-evaluate your expectations and the goals that you have for yourself, it’s better for you to do that now that it’s early on in the year rather than keep pushing yourself to a point where two weeks from now, you’re just gonna give up because it was never realistic in the first place.”

Create a healthy relationship with food

As for her second weight loss tip, she discouraged people from giving up food. “Probably don’t do that because if you are giving something up and cutting something out of your diet 100%, it’s just going to make you miss it,” she said.

“It’s demonizing that food, but you don’t need to demonize. I’m sure whatever it is that you’re giving up is a perfectly fine thing to eat on your weight loss journey.

You can eat sugar, you can eat carbs, you can eat whatever you want on your weight loss journey and still be successful. We don’t need to cut foods out of our diet to lose weight.

So, if you’re doing that because you’re trying to get results faster or think that that is a solution for weight loss, it’s not. You can literally eat whatever you want and still lose weight, as long as you are eating in a calorie deficit.

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So figure out what your deficit is using a TDEE calculator online, and then just eat whatever foods you like eating in your deficit instead of cutting out these foods.”

She also argued that restriction could actually be counterproductive.

Do not base progress on the scale

“Tip number three is to stop letting the scale define your progress,” she shared, adding that her weight has gone up and down multiple times throughout her two-and-a-half-year journey.

“The scale is going to go up,” she said.

“It’s literally inevitable that there are going to be times where the scale goes up because you did actually gain weight, or just because the scale just says that you did because holding on to a little water weight, or literally, whatever.

But if you let that be the reason that you stop trying and stop pushing forward and continuing on your journey, then you are never going to be successful. So either don’t weigh yourself or just stop letting the scale be your number one.”

Enjoy the journey

She also shared a bonus tip: to refrain from putting a timeline on such goals.

“Stop focusing on the result and start focusing on the journey,” she encouraged.

“When I started my weight loss journey, I didn’t have an end goal. I didn’t have a goal weight; I literally just wanted to feel better, and I wanted to heal my relationship with food, mind and body and me.

Being able to accomplish that is far more valuable than whatever the scale says in the morning.

Stop focusing on where you’re headed, and just focus on showing up for yourself every single day, enjoying the journey along the way, and building these healthy habits and tools so that when you do lose the weight, you literally never have to do it again…

Those are the tips that I have for you moving forward into the new year.

You have been lied to. Diet. Culture hates you, and they want to take all your money, and they want you to hate yourself into loving yourself. And I think that that’s stupid. You can’t hate yourself into loving yourself.

You have to love yourself by making the changes that you want so that you continue to love yourself and take care of yourself throughout your entire life.

They don’t want you to do that, but I want you to do that because I love you and I love myself, and because I love myself, I made these changes in my life, and it completely transformed who I am as a person and just my health in general, and I’m extremely thankful for that.”