SINGAPORE: In a neighbourhood dispute that took an unconventional turn, a resident in Bukit Panjang addressed their frustration about their neighbour’s loud singing rather creatively.

Instead of the usual confrontation or filing a formal complaint, this individual drafted a public letter critiquing the neighbour’s vocal “performance” and posted it in a highly visible location.

The letter was shared on r/SingaporeRaw, an online forum on Reddit, on Tuesday (Aug 27) by a Redditor who captioned the post with, “They must have really hated her singing.” According to the post, the letter was found at the HDB lift lobby in Bukit Panjang.

Photo: Reddit/ user Kooky-Loan-8393

The letter reads:

“25/8/2024 — 5-30pm

To the lady who was singing Karaoke “My heart will go on” that evening.

I’m struggling to find words as to how I can describe my feelings after my family and I heard your singing, but as of now, all I will say is that I hope you promise the folks in this apartment block that you will never sing again.

We felt the pain in each and every note you sang and I know how torture sounds like. I think Hitler used your voice in his concentration camps. It’ll be nice if you closed your windows in the future and spare us all that torture.

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Alternatively, switch to bathroom singing.

– Regards.”

The creative yet biting letter quickly gained traction in the online community, amassing 200 upvotes within just a few hours of posting.

In the discussion thread, one Redditor, who was amused by the letter’s dramatic style, joked, “Missed attempt to say her voice is why the titanic captain hit the iceberg.”

Another Redditor quipped, “Should have shared on Instagram all.” A third Redditor appreciated the letter’s wording, stating, “I like the way this person worded his/her sentences. Still rather polite.”

Some also poked fun at the letter’s author, with one Redditor writing, “This will only serve as motivation to continue singing.” Another said, “Now we are all curious.”

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