Melbourne, Australia – On Mar 16 (Sat), Queensland Senator Fraser Anning had an egg splattered on his head by a 17-year-old teen.

The incident occurred during a media conference at a right-wing rally in Moorabbin, a day after the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand.

In the video, 17-year-old William Connolly, can be seen subtly standing behind the senator who was speaking in front of a camera. Will was filming on his phone when he pulled out an egg and smashed it on the back of the politician’s head.

Senator Anning was seen retaliating at the boy and striking him on the head with his left hand, and hitting him again before surrounding onlookers intervene.

The senator’s supporters pin the boy to the floor, with two men holding him while another held his leg up.

According to 7 News Sydney, Will has been released pending further inquiries on the egging incident.

The video of the incident has gone viral in Australia with “EggBoi” being hailed as a hero.

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A GoFundMe campaign which has over AUD 50,905 (S$48,837) raised by 2,521 people in two days was even started for the teen. The caption reads: “Our hero EggBoi takes on Fraser Anning, the senator for Queensland that is now despised around the world for comments made after the shooting at a New Zealand mosque. Money raised will go to EggBoi for legal fees and more eggs.”

Meanwhile, a petition calling for the removal of Senator Fraser Anning from Parliament was started which has garnered over 1.2 million signatures in three days. Almost 250,000 people signed the petition in the first 18 hours and it has become the largest in Australian online petition history.

The story

On March 15, just a few hours after the mass shooting, Senator Anning released a statement which consisted of some alarming opinions.

He said, “I am utterly opposed to any form of violence within our community, and I totally condemn the actions of the gunman.”

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“However, whilst this kind of violence vigilantism can never be justified, what it highlights is the growing fear within our community, both in Australia and New Zealand, of the increasing Muslim presence,” he added.

“The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place,” said the right-wing politician.

He basically placed the blame of the tragic incident on the Muslim community when it was an Australian who did the killing.

Read the full statement below:

Photo: Twitter screengrab

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Mar 16 (Sat) that proper measures would be taken toward the senator over his “appalling” comments as well as the subsequent altercation with “EggBoi.”

“These comments are appalling and they are ugly and they have no place in Australia, in the Australian parliament also, and he should be frankly ashamed of himself,” said the Prime Minister who added that the senator should face “the full force of the law” for his actions.

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Watch the full egging below:

ByHana O